Hampton Free Methodist Church

Small Groups

Small groups are a place to grow your spiritual understanding, cultivate real relationships and develop a vision for how to positively impact the world around you.

1. Senior's Bible Study - Wednesdays at 10 am.  Please check the calendar weekly for dates. 

2. Youth (Grades 6 - 12) - Youth is a great way for kids to connect, learn about Jesus and grow in the their faith.  Please check the Youth calendar for more information and dates with events and Bible studies.  The Youth meets on Thursdays at the church from 7 - 9 pm. Bible study nights are from 7 - 8:30 pm at the church.  

3. Prayer Group - this groups spends time in prayer: for the community, our world, the church congregation and also for individual prayer requests.  The group meets Tuesday mornings at 9:30 am on Zoom.  

4.  Life Groups - Life Groups meet to study God's Word together, to pray for each other, and to come alongside each other in the ups and downs of life, encouraging each other to grow in our faith, hope, and love.  We would love to have you join a group!  For more information about Life Groups, please contact Pastor Seth

6.  Ladies Hang Out Night - all ladies are welcome to come to the church for a time of fellowship, fun and food!  Ladies Hang Out is once a month on a Friday night but please check the website calendar for dates.  Please bring a snack if you are able.  Ladies Hang Out is a time to connect, support and encourage each other. 

7.  Ladies Craft Day - is scheduled for the first Saturday of each month at the church, October to April.  Ladies are welcome to bring their own supplies and join other ladies in a time of crafting and visiting. The day starts at 10 am and runs until late afternoon. Ladies are welcome to bring sewing machines, tables will be set up in the multi-purpose room. (srapbooking, quilting, knitting, etc.) Please bring a snack to share, if you are able.